True Horror Story

True Horror Story

 About 2 months ago I was fast asleep in bed with my wife asleep next to me. was asleep on my back which I never normally do. Something woke me up and I opened my eyes and could see it was dark still but all I see was a black figure standing over me.

 Couldn’t see any features but all I could make out was it was a woman with long scraggly hair and creepy looking hands with long fingernails. It all happened so quick. As soon as I opened my eyes I see what ever it was standing there but I had a feeling it was waiting for me to wake up. 

As soon as I woke up it started clawing at me. It was all happening so fast I was still trying to figure out what was going on. I wasn’t scared or anything. Didn’t feel like I couldn’t move or talk. Was just taken aback sort of.

 I think it was a duration of about a minute from me opening my eyes and it started clawing at me like swiping at my face but then just went POOF into like a cloud of black dust and just slowly dispersed till it was gone. I just turned over and went back to sleep. It played on my mind for a few days and I never said anything as it just even now sounds crazy.

 Me and my wife was talking and I just said to her what happened. She didn’t believe me. I said I don’t care what you believe I’m just telling you what happened. I was googling things for a few days trying to get any answers or find anyone that’s had a similar thing happen. 

I did find something close ish to what happened and it’s called the night hag. But the things the internet says happens like you can’t move or talk. That never happened to me. And they have images of this so called night hag but not one picture comes close to what I saw. 

It didn’t have red eye or any features. I spoke to my mum light heartedly about it to see what her take was on it. She just said it’s probably stress mixed with tiredness and I was probably half asleep and my brain thought I see a figure. I don’t know. 

It could be possible but why an old woman with scraggy hair and long fingers with long nails clawing at me? I’m a fully grown man with my own family. I don’t scare easily either but I can admit I was freaked out for about a week after. It took a week for me to mention it to anyone because how it made me feel. I just hope that was the first and last time I ever have something like that happen to me

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