Paranormal Horror Stories



Story 1

When I was 5 years old, we moved to a newly built house we lived there for 10 years. It turned out to be a haunted house. Started off lights coming on off on  their own. 

Then I started hearing foot steps coming up the stairs never down and it would repeat several times quite frequently. Our dog used to bark at the stairs. My parents thought we had burglars because we used to hear food steps walking along the landing, no one was there.

 I used to hang my school bag on the French doors it would be there all weekend when all of a sudden the bag would fall to the floor and the door handle would go down. My father said it was the weight of the bag, but why did it not do this for several days. 

One day I was playing with my dolls house once again the handle of the French doors went down this time there was a lady standing at the window all dressed in black like Mary Poppins long black coat to the ankles flatish hat with wide brim. Black gloves hiding her face has she peered into our lounge. 

I called my father " there is someone at the French doors, he was in the kitchen I had to repeat several times has he could not hear me, I was still looking at this strange looking woman, has soon has I turned my head away she disappeared. 

When my father came he admitted to me that this was the ghost he saw many times in our garden. Also what seemed strange was the hall floor had to be relayed 3 times while we lived there because the floor kept rising up and cracking the tiles.

 The builders didn't know why? After we moved the new people said that house you sold us is haunted all I can think is it must be someone buried on the land before the house was built. But I have seen many ghosts since I seem to attract them.

Paranormal Horror Stories

Story 2

This is our most recent encounter we have had at our home. 

One morning on my day off, which was a Friday, I was laying in bed. My mom was in the living room, which I can clearly see through the door in front of me from my bed. She calls out to me, as she always does, "David, what do you want for dinner?"

 And normally we always go to a local restaurant for fried fish on Friday's so I said "I was thinking seriously about Tiny's." To which she replies, "You must have been reading my mind." I can clearly see her sitting on the couch, moving around. Then my phone rings. It's my mom. 

I was like "Mama why are you calling me, you're in the living room, we were just talking." To which she says, "What are you talking about? I left the house about 2 hours ago, I had some errands to go run and I'm currently sitting down here about to get my hair cut." I started getting chills at this point. 

I said "Ok then who in the living hell was I just talking too?" I told her that I was just carrying on a full conversation with her and that I saw her moving around on the couch in the living room. She said "Well it wasn't me!"

I immediately get up, and walk through the house. I'm home alone. Then she asks me: "What do you want for dinner?" And I said "I was thinking about Tiny's" Then she replied back "You must have been reading my mind!" I didn't tell her any details about the conversation I just had with whatever that thing was, but it was the exact future conversation of what we were about to have.

She then tells me what had happened to her just the day before. We have another lady that lives with us and she left to go to her granddaughters high school graduation. About an hour later, my mom says that she walks in through the front door, and my mom asked her how the graduation went. She told her that she couldn't get in because they ran out of extra tickets and she had been driving around for a while just to clear her head. 

She walked on down the hall, and my mom said she heard the door to her bedroom open and close. Then about 30 minutes later, the lady that lives with us walks back in through the front door. My mom asked her "When did you leave?" She then looks at my mom extremely puzzled and says "I just got home. I couldn't get in because they ran out of extra tickets, and I've just been driving around for a while just to clear my head!" 

At this point my mom and I were both scratching our heads. Whatever this thing is, whether it be a doppelganger, skin walker, or a mimic, it clearly is powerful enough to take human form and play out future conversations and interactions that is about to had between the living.

Story 3

This will spook you like it did to me. When I was about 17, I was walking home during lunchtime from work one beautiful sunny day. I usually walk  up the hill past the church but for some reason I decided to climb the steps short cut past the grave yard as it was quicker to get back after lunch.

 As I was walking up the long steps half way up, I saw a little boy dressed in black with a black duffle coat on. You could see the toggles on his coat, he peered around the concrete post at the top and ducked back. He did this a few times and all I could think about was that he was going to jump out and say boo.

 At the same time I heard children singing like ring a ring of roses but it wasn't this song but similar. As I got 5 steps from the top, he peered out and to my surprise he had no eyes just blackness. I stopped in my track.. what shall I do? It is too long to go back. I got to go forward. As I got to the top open space, nobody was there, no singing either.

I ran home and told my mother, a few weeks later my mother who was deaf said I did not see anything but I heard those children singing you told me about, freaky or what?

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